Colonial America
Almost all of September we devoted to America leading up to the Revolution. Our accompanying art unit dealt with folk art (artful objects that also serve a useful daily function). For example:
--stenciling (not on our walls, thankfully, as in colonial times)
--felt applique
--homemade potpourri (orange peel works with anything!)
--weaving a pot holder on a handmade mini-loom (Exhibit A)
(Who says homeschooling doesn't take you out of your comfort zone?)
Our more historical projects included:
--reading American Girl series books about Felicity, a fictional character from Colonial Williamsburg (VA). One of the books in this series became P's 1st "reading-a-whole-book-in-one-night-under-the-covers-with-a-flashlight" experience.
--making a technicolor model of Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in North America. (This is a marvelous project--thanks to
Lost behind the Governor's Palace |
--memorizing the 13 colonies and part of The Declaration of Independence. P did well with the difficult vocabulary in the Declaration, altering it now and then to suit her needs. Think "unalienable rights." Here's P's creative version:
“That they are endowed by their Creator with certain rights that no alien can take away”
(Those are my favorite highlights on Colonial Times. On to the Revolution next time...)
I won't say much about our first science unit of the year, except to recommend the book that I used as our anchor: The Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane. This book has a full elementary school curriculum on basic weather, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Not all children's books are comprehensive unit studies, but I couldn't find anything this book left out. Thanks, Ms. Frizzle!!
Finally, A Word About Spelling
This year, I have organized our spelling program around common prefixes and suffixes. Each week, the spelling words all begin with the same prefix or end with the same suffix. I discovered a few weeks ago one evidence of the new age in which P is experiencing life. When I announced that the prefix of the week would be “trans-,” as in “transport” or "transcontinental," she lit up: "Oh, and like trans-fat!”
That girl just cracks me up! It seems fitting that she would think of that. You seem to be enjoying it as much as the kids are.